Frequently Asked Questions


  • We are glad to help you with any questions you have. Contact us.
  • All of our rental properties are listed here. Any vacancies are listed here.
  • We usually know about 30 days in advance when a unit is scheduled to open up. We do not take applications on units until they have been vacated. If your application is approved, we can hold a unit for up to 2 weeks. You do have to sign your lease paperwork, in person, within that 2 week period. Your lease starts when you sign it.
  • Anyone 18 years or older that will be living at the apartment must submit an application and be listed as a tenant on the lease agreement. Persons 18 months or older will be included in the occupancy number for the apartment. There must be no more than two occupants per bedroom.
  • The application fee is $35 per person and is nonrefundable.
  • All of our properties have the same pet policy. We allow cats and dogs that are 40 pounds or lighter and a non-aggressive breed. We allow up to 2 pets per apartment and they must weigh less than 40 pounds combined. We do not allow reptiles. Please see our full pet policy here.
  • Rent is due on the first day of each month no matter what day you sign your lease. Your first month’s rent will be prorated to account for the number of days you will be in the apartment that month.
  • Your first month’s rent, security deposit and pet fees (if applicable) are due when you sign your lease. The security deposit is the same amount as a month’s rent and is refundable when you move out.
  • We now offer deposit-free living to qualified renters through Obligo! When you move in with us, you can skip paying a security deposit and keep the cash for activities you care about. Ask for more details.
  • We do not accept any kind of rental assistance vouchers.

Ready to Find Your Home?

Whether you’re looking for a home with plenty of room for a growing family or an easily accessible one-level home or apartment, we have a home to meet your needs. We would like to invite you to visit our properties and see the Wolfe Development difference!